Practice your French at the Salon Français
Practice French in a relax way, 15 minutes, for free. Get a summary of the main notions seen together.

Prepare your French nationality interview
Prepare your French nationality interview, discover the symbols and values of French Republic, improve your French level with My French Pass

L’entretien de recrutement en français
Votre entretien de recrutement dans une entreprise francophone approche? Préparez-vous en étudiant attentivement les principes de base pour réussir ce rendez-vous. Huit points à prendre en compte avant l’entretien Préparez-vous, entraînez-vous ! Analysez vos points...
Animated clip: Lesson 6 – ABOUT FAMILY – A propos de la famille
Mastering french at work
Mastering French at work requires specific skills in Moliere’s language. Let’s list the main ones for executives… Note that specific needs can be analyzed the same, for all professions. Meeting your employees, peers, providers and customers, you must be able to be in...