Prepare your naturalization interview
Are you more than 18 and living in France for the last 5 years* ? You may be allowed to apply for French citizenship.
However, age and residency won’t be sufficient : French Civil Code (art. 21-24) says that you will have to prove your assimilation to French society. But what does assimilation mean ?
It means to agree to French Republic main fundamentals and values. Then proving a certain level of language. At last, having a knowledge of French history and culture. Moreover, you will have to explain your goals in applying for French nationality… and prove your daily links with French surroundings.
Of course, you will be more at ease if you master French and properly understand the meaning of ‘laïcité’, ‘mixité‘ and other concepts. Associated to French Republic, they are included in the ‘Charte des Droits et devoirs du citoyen’ (Décret n°2012-127 du 30 janvier 2012). We also study the details of ‘Le Livret du Citoyen’, created by the French Home Office, to guide the applicants.
Like Robert P., you can take all the guarantees to succeed, preparing your naturalization with My French Pass.
We explain the symbols and concepts while working on French skills: grammar and pronunciation mistakes could prevent administrative agents from understanding what you mean.
On face-to-face or by Skype, in emergency or anticipating, give all the opportunities to your French citizenship project.
*Please, note that some exceptions to these conditions exist. You can discover all information on this topic on